Friday, August 3, 2012


In choir we have been working on a song which I have just fallen in love with. It has wonderful melody and even better lyrics.  Many of you know that I love music and I believe that music can move us in ways that nothing else can.  I am moved by the lyrics of this song and pray that as I sing them they are really true in my life.

Who is there like You?

Who is there like you, 
and who else would give their life for me,
even suffering in my place? 
And who could repay You?
All of creation looks to You
 and You provide for all You have made.

So I'm lifting up my hands, lifting up my voice,
lifting up You name and in Your grace I rest,
for Your love has come to me and set me free.
And I'm trusting in Your Word, trusting in Your cross,
trusting in Your blood and all Your faithfulness,
for Your pow'r at work in me is changing me.

I always want to be lifting up my voice to lift up His name.  To be resting in His grace basking in His love because it has set me free.  To be trusting in His word, cross, blood & faithfulness always. And to be a continual work in progress.

May His power always be changing me.