Saturday, July 25, 2020

2020 Who knew??? God did...

2020  Who knew??? God did...

Life is changing daily and it has been sometimes difficult and sometimes strange, out of the norm, changing minute by minute, it seems we are on a non-stop roller coaster that is out of control, and no one is manning the control booth.  But as a Christian I know that Almighty God is on His Throne and totally in control. Still in all, change is change and it can be hard and confusing for all of us. 
I have been thinking a lot lately about ‘mask wearing’. As someone who spent most of her life in the medical profession, I have donned a few PPE’s. Wearing masks, gloves, and gowns were part of my work environment. I knew that they were part of keeping myself and the patient protected. Done, did it and never questioned why. So now I am wondering what is all the fear about wearing a mask? No I don’t want to wear a mask every minute of every day, but I also want to be smart in protecting myself and others, especially those I love.  I have heard that it is a conspiracy – to have us under control – to take away our freedoms – etc... The debate continues and goes on and on.  

At present, we go out very little, but the times we venture out for essentials we wear a mask. (and yes, Hobby Lobby is essential). Yesterday as we were out and about, I will share what I saw. All employees had on masks and most of the customers too, and  people, were abiding with social distancing.  Every employee had a verbal greeting for us and were more than helpful. Pleasant experience. The thing I miss most about wearing a mask is smiling at and interacting with people. I love to smile at people and greet them with positive affirmation. 

 I am sorry that this virus has made the world a crazy place to live right now. Those of us who are Christian, know that this is just the beginning of the end. We know or should know that things are going to become much worse as the Devil’s time on earth runs out. He is preparing for the anti-Christ to come to power and God is preparing us for the Rapture.  God has given us time to get our house in order, to repent, pray and continue to proclaim His coming. Proclaim that He alone is Lord and Jesus is the only way to the Father with whom we will spend eternity. We continue to be a blessed people, even though our world is in constant flux now. We should keep our eyes on the Eastern sky, for at any moment we may hear the trumpet and see the sky split as Jesus steps out to get His Children.  

Mask yes – mask no – that is the question? For now, for me, it is mask yes.